Montag, 25. Mai 2015

Beautiful Rotorua

Some pictures from our first stop in Rotorua on our Easter-Weekend-Tour. Hope you enjoy them!



Sonntag, 24. Mai 2015

Every Child Is A Gift

Hey there!

I finally found some time to get started on my pictures again, wuhu!
Heaps of things have been happening over the last weeks and so there are just a feeew new pictures.. :p
I've been on a road trip with Philip and my sister, who has been visiting me for 2 weeks, Philip and I did a Northland tour, I've been to Queenstown for a week and at the moment Sophie is living with us. Yeah, it's (been) a good time!

So today I worked on some pictures of the kids. Every time I'm looking at pictures of them and thinking of those moments with them, I realize what kind of awesome kids they are eventhough they drive me insane sometimes - but hey thats okay, because every little moment here was made special by them! Every little thing they did and do is a gift, because everything they do teaches me something and gives our every day life a little bit of an extra adventure. That's what it is about, every little thing deserves to be appreciated and kids do teach you that - that's why every child is a gift.

I took those pictures of them at Langs Beach on one of my sisters' first days here. Hope you enjoy them!

Lovely greetings from NZ ♥

Here are 'my' awesome kids...(; 

Freitag, 8. Mai 2015

Beautiful Queenstown ❤️

Hey everybody! 

Here are just a couple of impressions from my amazing week in the Deep South - in Queenstown and Milford Sound!

I haven't worked on those pictures yet, but this landscape around here needs nearly no additional work, it's that natural beautiful! 

I have met heaps of lovely people and don't want to leave tomorrow... Cheers to an amazing week!

Lots of love from Queenstown ❤️